Here is our finished product for our Back to School Basket for Brookside Pride Night this evening!
Thank you SO much to the parents who were kind enough to donate items to our basket! Just a reminder, all of the proceeds from the silent auction of our classroom basket will come back to our classroom! I can't wait to see how big of a hit our basket is! I was completely overwhelmed with the amount of donations that I received! I really can't say thank you enough! You all are AWESOME!
Just a reminder of the schedule of Brookside Pride Night:
Hot dogs, chips, and drinks will be sold in the cafeteria starting at 5:30.
At 6:00 there will be a small assembly in the gym that includes an introduction of the teachers at Brookside! I can't wait to see you there!
Once the assembly is over, teachers will head back to the classroom and you can meet us there! You'll get to see our latest art project and check out our classroom! I hope each of you swing by to talk because I can't wait to tell each of you how awesome your student is doing in my room!
Once you come into the classroom tonight I will have sign-ups for Parent-Teacher Conferences on the 30th. This will be our chance to meet one-on-one to discuss the progress your student is making, how they interact in the classroom, and areas of growth that we can work on. I can't wait to see each of you tonight!
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