Saturday, October 5, 2013

Seed Dissection

I hope everyone is having a great weekend! With all of this rain, it has left me with not much to do, so I'm going to catch up on catching you up! This week in Science we learned about the structure of a seed and the different functions of each of the parts. Of course, we can't learn without getting our hands on some seeds and seeing what they look like inside! So this led to seed dissection! We used lima beans in order to learn about each of the three parts of a seed. I took a few photos to show you.

The first thing we had to do to dissect our seed is remove the seed coat. This is the first part of the seed that we learned about. In case you are wondering, the seed coat's function is to protect the seed. The photo above shows Haven removing the seed coat. 

Next, we had to split the seed open so that we could seed the inside of the seed. Here is Madison K. after she had taken off the seed coat and beginning to dissect the seed. 

Once we got the seed open it was time to make some careful observations. We paid close attention to the cotyledon and the embryo. The cotyledon stores food for the seed. The embryo is the baby plant! Here is Avery P. looking closely at the cotyledon. 

The photo above is Jerah making close observations of the embryo that she found in her lima bean!

Here is Eric and Brogan making some careful observations. Once they're finished they are going to share what they found!

Coming up this week, we will be learning about the different ways that plants can reproduce and the life cycle of a plant! Stay tuned to see the results of the seed germination experiment! Have a great weekend Wise Owls!

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